More About Rocking S Ranch
Rocking S Ranch is owned and operated by Nathan and Cheyanne Stevenson located south of Oakley Kansas. We raise registered border collies and registered black angus cattle. We keep our cowherd as organic as we can and grass fed with NO grain or hormones. We are cooperative producers for Pharo Cattle Company (PCC) One of the things that stood out the most to us about PCC was the genuine character of everyone involved. And that’s why we are excited to be working with PCC. Our goal is to raise cattle that are adapted to our environment, A low maintenance grass efficient herd with good fleshing ability and calving ease. We want our cows to not just survive on grass alone but to flourish without extra supplements. We run our cow herd on native Kansas grasslands through the summer and fall and winter on a variety of grassland, cover crop, and stockpiled forages. Feel free to contact us any time, we’d love to visit with you. (Nathan’s cell) 785-953-7163 or email